Concrete Fest 2k23

On 27, 28, & 29 March 2023

About Us

About SGU

Sanjay Ghodawat University was established as a State Private University in the year 2017. Previously it was Sanjay Ghodawat Insitutes formed in the year 2009 by the Chairman of SG Group, Sanjay Ghodawat. The Institute had received NAAC A grade and also its programs were accredited by NBA and after this the natural progression was the evolvement of Sanjay Ghodawat University. The University was formed to accomodate more students and give them a variety of choices for their career path. The University offers UG, PG and PhD programs in Technology, Management, Commerce, Science, Liberal Arts, Architecture, Pharmacy and Computer Applications.


India Chapter of American Concrete Institute was established on 26th December 1979 by a few enthusiastic concrete technologists to work directly under the patronship of ACI USA for the ‘Development and Advancement of Good Practice of Concrete Technology’ in India. Today all India membership of the Chapter consists of 2000 concrete professionals and organizations including consulting engineers, concrete practitioners, academicians, researchers, consultants, civil engineers, material scientist, constructors, students etc.

About Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering was established in 2009 along with SGI. UG - Civil Engineering program was accredited by NBA in 2015 for three years and later it was extended by 3 more years. Currently, Department is offering UG program as B. Tech. in Civil Engineering and PG programs in M. Tech. Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering & Management and Infrastructure Engineering.

About Concrete Fest

ConcreteFest2k23 is organized by Department of Civil Engineering (SGU), Department of Civil Engineering (SGP), Student Chapter of American Concrete Institute (SGU), India Chapter of American Concrete Institute, India. It is organized on 27-29 March 2023. ConcreteFest2k23 is a technical event comprising of national level event for UG and PG students, civil engineering faculty and professional engineers


event One

Eco concrete competition

The Eco Concrete Competition is an international competition that aims to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly concrete technologies.

event One

Poster Presentation

A poster competition is a type of competition where participants create a visual representation of an idea, concept, or theme on a poster board.

event One

Quiz competition

A quiz competition is a game or contest in which participants are asked questions on a particular subject, and they have to answer them correctly.

event One

Model Competition

A model competition in civil engineering is an event where participants design and build models that showcase their understanding of the principles of civil engineering.

event One

Hands on training program on NDT

A hands-on training program on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is designed to provide participants with practical training in the use of various NDT methods to detect.

event One

STTP on Advanced Construction Technology

A Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Advanced Construction Technology is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the latest technologies.



click the tab for event details

Date : 27 / 03 / 2023

Event Information


The objective of the competition is to create awareness and promote right application of concrete mix design principles among professionals, practicing engineers & builders having Laboratory testing facilities. Concrete is widely used in construction. However, there is a need to create further awareness about the quality of concrete and the growing need to affect economy in the face of ever-rising cost of materials. Therefore, mix proportioning of concrete assumes a great importance. The mix proportioning for developing improved properties of concrete always fascinates a civil engineer. A properly designed concrete for a particular application keeping in mind the specific requirements in terms of workability, strength, durability and economy can affect substantial savings and long life of the structure. This competition provides an opportunity for the students of engineering institutes and the young engineers working in the construction field to understand the characteristic behavior of Different proportions of concrete by having hands on experience and ultimately arrive at the desired final mix. Practical hands-on experience gained by the participants during competition would help them in their future endeavors in developing quality concrete.

Registration fee : 500 /- per group. Max 3 participants
Prize Amount : 1st prize – Rs.10,000/- with Certificate
2nd Price – Rs.7,000/- with Certificate

Rules for Eco Concrete Cube Competition


  • Average strength of 25 MPa on 7 days.
  • Mix Design as per I.S. Code Method.
  • Water Curing only.
  • No Curing Compound to be Used.
  • Strength Result below 20MPa and above 30 MPa shall be Disqualified.
  • Decision Of judges shall be Final.


The competition is open to all. A team can consist of up to 3 members and can have up to 2 teams from one institution/organization. The participants need to submit cubes along with data sheet, wherein the details of the concrete Mix design such as proportions, ingredients, slump, etc. should be duly certified by the professor & HOD of the institution/organization or Project manager of department. The certifying authority would be professionally responsible for the compliance of all the guidelines.

3. Use of Materials:

3.1 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources shall comply with the requirements of IS:383. The maximum size of coarse aggregates, gravel or crushed stones shall not exceed 20 mm.
3.2 Cement shall be any of the following:
a) Ordinary Portland Cement (IS:269/IS8112/IS 12269).
b) Portland Slag Cement (IS : 455).
c) Portland Pozzolana Cement (1489 Part I).
d) Partial replacement of cement with other Cementitious materials like Fly/Ash etc.
3.3 Chemical admixtures which conform to IS:9103 or ASTM C-494 or 1017, as applicable may be added.


Cubes shall be cast by the teams at their places on the specified date and shall be cured at standard curing temperature for seven days. After 7 days, the cubes shall be covered in polythene sheets to prevent loss of moisture and suitably packed to avoid any damage during transit and shall be delivered at the designated place for the region. Each team is to submit a total of 3 cubes for testing on 7 Days. The cubes are to be of Standard size of 150 X150 X 150 mm. The cubes should not have any type of reinforcement or fibre.

The top face of the cube to receive the compression load is to be marked with ‘X’ with marker pen from corner to corner. No other identification marking to be given on the cube by the participants. The code number shall be marked by the designated person at the place of testing or at the place of submission of cubes. Use of any reinforcement, fibre, epoxy or polymer is not permitted and the team would be disqualified, if it were found to be doing so.


A mix Design Report with all test results of trial mixes and finally adopted mix design, highlighting parameters used to obtain design strength with completed ‘Data Sheet’ enclosed herewith. Three cubes along with mix sheet and workability video should be submitted at the designated place. The packing box/ container should have the name of the team and the address.


The testing of cubes shall be carried out at the designated institute/laboratory of the institute and the participants are welcome to witness the testing.
The testing shall be done as per IS 516 in direct compression.
The average strength of 3 cubes in direct compression shall be considered for merit adjudged from following:
a) Ratio of strength to cement content.
b) Uniformity of results.
c) Deviation from target strength.
d) Special marks for use of fly Ash.


Judges shall be appointed by the concrete fest committee and the decision of the judges regarding acceptability of cubes for the entry and evaluation shall be final. The judges are free to ask the participants for any clarifications before taking decisions. Apart from the cube strength, the cubes shall be adjudged for following criteria also

a. Average strength of three cubes and deviation from specified strength.
b. Deviation of individual test results among cubes.
c. Ratio of strength to cement.
d. Visual observation of cubes with respect to shape, finishing, fracture, and distribution of Constituents for homogeneity observed after a fracture.
e. Marks based on the evaluation of the Mix sheet.
f. In case of Tie, the cost of mix and workability of concrete shall be considered.
g. Negative marking of 1 for each MPa higher or lower than 25.


All winners and the concerned institutes/organizations will be informed. The certificates and awards shall be distributed in the function to be held at the institute/ University.

Name and Contact of Staff coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. Sachin Patil (SGP) : 9403233155
  2. Mr. Vikas Kumbhar (SGU) : 7798306363
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Miss Anushka Kore : 8625863751
  2. Mr. Shrenik Khot : 7972175718
  3. Ms. Sneha Dongale : 9423277378
  4. Mr. Anurag Pednekar : 8329972161


Date : 27 / 03 / 2023

Event Information

The objective of the poster presentation is to provide an idea with an academic or professional focus in the area of sustainable Civil Engineering Practices towards future development.

Registration fee : 300/- per group. max 2 participants
Prize Amount : 1st prize – Rs.5,000/- with Certificate
2nd Price – Rs.3,000/- with Certificate

Rules And Regulations

  • Entry fee- Rs. 300/per team
  • Maximum 2 participants are allowed in a team.
  • Posters should be written in English only on A1 size.
  • All posters should be handmade with content written-70% and Sticking of pictures-30%.
  • The name and affiliation should be mentioned on the back side of poster.
  • The time duration given for explanation of the poster will be maximum 5 minutes and it should be in English language only.
  • All rights related to the Poster competition are reserved by the Organizers of concrete fest 2K23.
  • All posters are retained with SGU.

Name and Contact of Faculty coordinator of Event :
  1. Mrs. Tilve M.M. (SGU) : 9503811557
  2. Mr. Rajemahadik C.F. (SGP) : 9527116536
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. Deepak Narvekar : 7620737979
  2. Mr. Omkar Kumbhar : 8421635409
  3. Ms. Shrushti Katkar : 9322547194
  4. Mr. Satyajeet Greykwad : 9604270313

Date : 27 / 03 / 2023

Event Information

The Objective behind organizing a Quiz competition is to evaluate the knowledge of the participants within academics as well as beyond academics and to make them familiar with the prospects of quizzes and the objectivity of the questions. The main purpose of the competition is to develop an interest in subject areas of civil engineering, especially concrete and its allied areas.

Registration Fee : 200/- per group. max 2 participants
Prize Amount : 1st prize – Rs.5,000/-
2nd Price – Rs.3,000/-

The Quiz competition will be in the following areas

  • General Knowledge (20%)
  • Current Affairs (20%)
  • Quantitative aptitude (20%)
  • Concrete technology (20%)
  • Other subjects related to civil (20%)

Rules And Regulations

  1. Max two participants are allowed per team.
  2. Entry fee- Rs. 200/per team
  3. There will be screening rounds, at each level. Only shortlisted teams will participate in further rounds.
  4. On the average score of all rounds, winners will be declared.
  5. If there is any tie-up among the participants about the average score, it will be solved by taking an additional round or set of rounds, as per requirement.
  6. All rights related to the quiz competition are reserved by the Organizers of concrete fest 2K23.

Marking Scheme for each round

For 1st round (general quiz):

15 questions for 30 marks. The question pattern will be MCQ. 2 marks for each correct answer. No negative marks for wrong answer.

Twenty groups will go to round two.

For the second round (Crisscross):

The 5-word puzzle will be given. Each right answer carries 5 marks and the wrong answer will deduct ¼ marks from the total marks.

Ten groups will go to third round.

For the third round (Snake and Ladder):

Third round will be Snake and Ladder in which 5 chances will be given on dice each correspondence to one question. Depending upon the correctness of the answers, the participant/s who reach the winner position first will be the winner and based on last position next 4 entries will be selected for next round.

Five groups will go to third round.

For Fourth round (Crisscross):

1st round is common questioning each right answer carry 2M (total 5 questions are there) 2nd round will be buzzer round for 3 questions. Each carry 5M.

Name and Contact of Faculty coordinator of Event :
  1. Mrs. Sutar K.A. (SGU) :8007076588
  2. Mr. Patil S.B. (SGU)) : 9561172167
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Miss. Pooja Naik : 7744974169
  2. Mr. Afreed Mulla : 9421168585
  3. Miss. Akanksha Anuse : 9172498004
  4. Mr.Chetan Mahajan : 72497 44902

Date : 27 / 03 / 2023

Event Information

Registration Fee : 500/- per group. max 3 participants
SGU Student Chapter of ACI Entry Fee Rs. 500 / -
Prize Amount : 1st prize – Rs.10,000/- with Certificate
2nd Price – Rs.7,000/- with Certificate

For Diploma Students

Rules And Regulations :

  • Truss bridge is required to be built.
  • It should be made up of only candy sticks (popsicle sticks).
  • Sticks and adhesive will be provided from the SGU.
  • Maximum of 3 members are allowed in a team. All members of the team must be from the same educational institute.
  • The total length of the bridge must be 550mm. In that length, the clear span of the bridge must be 400mm and 75mm of supports on either side .
  • Maximum height of the bridge should not exceed 380mm.
  • The load test will be carried out on the next day of bridge making.
  • Load will be applied vertically, normal to the deck at the center
  • No TA, DA and accommodation will be provided by SGU.
  • The evaluation is based 75 % on model testing and 25% on oral evaluation
  • Decision of judges shall be final.
  • Mode of communication shall be English.
  • Ratio of load to weight of truss bridge shall be governing criteria for evaluation.
  • All models will be retained with SGU after competition.

For Degree Students

Rules And Regulations :

  • Deck Span bridge is required to be built.
  • It should be made up of only candy sticks (popsicle sticks).
  • Sticks and adhesive will be provided from the SGU.
  • Maximum of 3 members are allowed in a team. All members of the team must be from the same educational institute.
  • The total length of the bridge must be 750mm. In that length, the clear span of the bridge must be 400mm with 75mm of supports and 100mm of overhang on either sides.
  • Maximum height of the bridge should not exceed 300mm.
  • The load test will be carried out on the next day of bridge making.
  • Load will be applied vertically, normal to the deck at the center
  • No TA, DA and accommodation will be provided by management.
  • The evaluation is based 75 % on model testing and 25% on oral evaluation
  • Decision of judges shall be final.
  • Mode of communication shall be English.
  • Ratio of load to weight of bridge shall be governing criteria for evaluation.
  • All models will be retained with SGU after competition.

Note: All participants should present their models on 27th March, 2023.

Name and Contact of Staff coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. D. A. Gunjagi (SGU): 8308823435
  2. Mr. Patil N.M. (SGU) : 8329867273
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Miss. Mayuri Sunil Ligade : 8055853636
  2. Mr. Omkar Santosh Tulsankar : 7741071993
  3. Mε. Arghya Kolekaε : 8767374936
  4. Mr. Anish Jagdale : 8149316433

Date : 28 / 03 / 2023

Event Information

NDT is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the parts or systems. This workshop aims to demonstrate the hands on experience about NDT to the participants. The workshop will make participants well conversent with the methods of NDT like rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity etc. The workshop is useful for undergraduate students, post graduate students, research scholars and professional engineers.

Registration Fee:
Rs. 200 /-

Diploma Students / UG students / PG students / faculty members and professional engineers

Name and Contact of Staff coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. S. R. Kadam (SGU) : 9765678068
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. Omkar Suryavanshi : 7796794555
  2. Mr. Bharat Pokale : 7972178615
  3. Mε. Jaydev Kulkarni : 9096588386
  4. Mr. Paras Shizale : 7038540103


Date : 28 / 03 / 2023 and 29 / 03 / 2023

Event Information

Registration fee :
1000/- for students
1500/- for faculty and Professional Engineers

To provide a forum for disseminations of advanced knowledge in advanced construction technology for research scholars, academicians, researchers and practicing engineers. The objective of the workshop is to provide an place for discussion in the field of advanced construction practices especially advanced concrete technology for fulfilling the present need to grow the practical aspects of construction Technology.

To provide the ample opportunity to participants in this STTP sessions are designed on practical aspects in construction technology, case studies and innovates techniques in advanced construction techniques.

Proposed Topics to be Covered:
1. Advanced construction technology
2. Case studies in Advanced construction technology
3. Practical aspects in construction technology

Name and Contact of Staff coordinator of Event :

  1. Mr. Desai R.M. (SGU) : 9890244093
  2. Mr. Patil S.N. (SGP) : 9921192882
Name and Contact of Student coordinator of Event :
  1. Mr. Deepraj More : 9975971181
  2. Mr. Sangram Patil : 9595007347
  3. Mr. Aman Bagwan : 7741882200
  4. Mr. Krish Kukreja : 8400895008



Contact Us

Address :

Sanjay Ghodawat University, Kolhapur-Sangli Highway ,
A/p - Atigre ,Taluka - Hatkanangale ,
Dist- Kolhapur, State - Maharashtra,
India pin code 416118

Contact :

  1. Mr. Dhiraj Patil (Convenor - SGP) : 9423230977
  2. Ms. A.S. Manjarekar(Convenor - SGU) : 9766532447
  3. Mrs. Vandana Shah (HOD-SGP) : 8850510664
  4. Dr. A. D. Katdare (HOD-SGU) : 9766584522
  5. Dr. Chetan Patil (Dean Student Welfare) : 9423041617

Email :